Our preschool in Waspán
Our preschool project arrived in Nicaragua in 2014 and opened three facilities: one in the city of Managua and two in Waspán, on the northern Caribbean coast. One of the facilities in Waspán is located in a remote region with social and economic difficulties, inhabited mainly by ethnic groups.
The school was founded with the goal of ensuring the continuity of academic education for the children of this region. Today, the institution provides education to 277 children, of whom 178 are enrolled in preschool and primary school and 49 in secondary school.
The municipality of Waspán, whose indigenous name means whirlpool of waters, has a population of 62,819 inhabitants, of which 16.5% live in the urban center and 83.5% in rural areas. Approximately 83% of Waspán's population lives in poverty, with 64.1% living in extreme poverty.